Our Offer
"Ad HOC" Support
Exclusive support, based on the following step approach:
- Customer need analysis;
- Customer characteristics analysis;
- Definition, and review/refinement with the Customer, of the more appropriate consultancy activity plan in order to achieve the Customer objective;
- Development of consultancy elementary activities; including "on-going" feedback collection and analysis.
Technical Support
Consultancy Support including, but not limited to, the following main activities:
- Design;
- Analysis and calculation;
- Budget and Margins definition and management;
- Risk Analysis;
- Reliability analysis, modelling and FMECA;
- Cost Analysis and modelling;
- Performance analysis and modelling;
- Definition of Design, Development and Qualification Plans;
- Definition of Tech specifications (Equipment or Systems);
- Definition of Test Specifications;
- Management Support for the development of any technical documentation;
- Technical support in the frame of Design Reviews;
- Feasibility Analyses for new Products or Services;
- Technical Follow-up of subcontractors;
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Management Support
Consultancy Support including, but not limited to, the following main activities:
- Development of procedures for Management & Quality Control;
- Definition of efficiency indicators
- Development of Organisation Analysis
- Management Support for Programs Management
- Management Support for Contracts development and management
- Management Support for Planning definition and management
- Design Reviews organisation and support
- Definition of special team «skills» need (for defined target)
- Planning follow-up of Subcontractors
- Development of Independent Reviews
- Management Support for the management of «external» interfaces
- Participation (or support of the Customer) to boards, panels…
- Supply policy development
- Management Support for the documentation management
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Commercial and Marketing Support
Thanks to the support of a dedicated person, this consultancy support including, but not limited to, the following main activities:
- Monitoring of National / International Tenders or opportunities;
- Development of competitive proposals;
- Development of strategic Plans;
- Development and implementation of Marketing Plan;
- Definition and Management of Marketing Budget;
- Management of the advertising campaign;
- Development of Commercial Partnership;
- General support for foreign people;
- Support for the Customer interface activities;
- Development of Business Plans;
- Development of Market and Business math models;
- Management Support for the definition and consolidation of Partnership;
- Make or buy analyses;
- Technologies spin-Off analyses;
- Market Analyses;
- Interface with external Organisations (representing the Customer);
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Training Support
Consultancy Support including, but not limited to, the following main activities:
- Definition and implementation of training plans dedicated to specific objectives of the Customer;
- Development of training included in the activities of any contract acquired by the Customer;
- Training need analyses;
- Training of new employees
- Company Vision dissemination activities;
- Special Teams formation and training;
- Review and Monitoring of external formation/ training opportunities;
- Review of opportunities of cost contributions for formation activities (national and international scenario);
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